

The global campaign “Dialogue Works – Anchoring working children’s participation in societal and political processes” (Dialogue Works, 2020-2024) was initiated by the two child-rights organisations Kindernothilfe (KNH) and Terre des Hommes International Federation (TDHIF). It is co-funded by the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development. The project aims to expand spaces for working children to participate in local to global political debates and to express their individual experiences, perspectives and recommendations to political stakeholders. The core of the campaign are Children’s Advisory Committees (CACs) that have been formed in 15 countries worldwide and that serve as a platform for working children to plan and implement advocacy dialogues with key stakeholders, thereby realising their right to be heard (Art. 12 UNCRC).
This campaign builds on the success and outcomes of the predecessor, the global campaign and research project “It’s Time to Talk! – Children’s Views on Children’s Work” (Time to Talk, 2016-2020).

Core Objective

Dialogue Works considers itself as a neutral space and platform for working children’s views and suggestions. The overall objective is to realize working children`s right to participation as enshrined in Art. 12 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Our Action Pledge

2021 has been declared the International Year for the Elimination of Child Labour. Following a call by the Alliance 8.7, the campaign has submitted an Action Pledge illustrating our commitment to support working children and youth worldwide: 

“By the end of 2021 the Dialogue Works campaign will have supported the formation of 25 working children’s advisory committees worldwide, which will implement their own advocacy dialogues to share their experiences, voice their needs and recommendations. The campaign thereby aims to create spaces for exchange between working children and political decision-makers on local, national, regional and global level.”