Publication:Time to Talk Main Report

‘It’s Time to Talk! – Children’s Views on Children’s Work’ (hereinafter: Time to Talk) was launched by Kindernothilfe, Save the Children Canada, and Terre des Hommes  in March 2016. The goal of Time to Talk is that of enabling working children to have their views heard in local, national and global decision-making processes,  including in the run-up to the IV Global Conference on the Sustained Eradication of Child Labour in Argentina in November 2017.

Including more than

  • 50 civil society partners,
  • 1 822 children (52% girls, 48% boys) aged 5 to 18
  • in 36 countries across the world.

Time to Talk provided neutral spaces in which to listen to the perspectives of girls and boys working in diverse settings, in order to gain increased understanding of: the different motivations and reasons for children’s work; children’s likes and dislikes about their work and working conditions; and their messages for different stakeholders on how best to support them.

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