Durban 2022 – Review
A few weeks after participating in the V. Global Conference for the Elimination of Child Labour in Durban, South Africa, our delegates have looked back on the experience.
A few weeks after participating in the V. Global Conference for the Elimination of Child Labour in Durban, South Africa, our delegates have looked back on the experience.
Ashley (15) participated in the Children´s Forum during the V Global Conference on Elimination of Child Labour and hold a powerful speech about her experiences, including messages to political stakeholders worldwide. Read her full statement.
Kabwe (18) participated in the Children´s Forum during the V Global Conference on Elimination of Child Labour and hold a powerful speech about his experiences, including messages to political stakeholders worldwide. Read his full statement.
In May 2022, South Africa hostet the V. Global Conference for the Elimination of Child Labour – a first on the agenda: a forum dedicated to children’s participation on Thursday, May 19th. Five representatives of the Dialogue Works Global CAC were invited to be a part of this children’s forum and travelled to Durban on short notice to speak up for working children.
Every 5 years representatives of governments, unions, employers, the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and civil society come together to review the situation of working children worldwide, the progress made to eliminate the worst forms of child labour and the methodologies and approaches that proved successful to support that end. In 2022 this “Global Conference on the Elimination of Child Labour” will be set in Durban, South Africa.
Joint Call for equal, inclusive and transparent children´s participation at the V Global Conference on Child Labour, 15th-20th May 2022, Durban/South Africa This public statement comes from working children’s representatives, including 14 movements of working children, more than 150 NGOs and more than 100 researchers dedicated to support working children. It addresses the organisers of the upcoming V Global Conference on Child Labour, particularly the South African Government and the ILO.