Follow-up Exploratory Research on the Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic in the Lives of Working Children and their Families
The headline is a quote from a 13 year old boy, small scale vendor from Bolivia.
Another year of COVID-19 is coming to an end. In 2020, we have already worked with our partners to survey working children and their families about the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on their lives. We were supported by PASOCAP (Pastoral Social Caritas Potosi) from Bolivia, CEIPA (Centro Ecuménico de Integración Pastoral) from Guatemala, PKPA (Pusat Kajian dan Perlindungan Anak) from Indonesia, WCY (Welfare of Children and Youth Kenya) from Kenya, Kaugmaon for children’s rights and social development from the Philippines and JCM (Jesus Cares Ministries) from Zambia.
“Online lessons were a problem because many of us did not have a phone. Thus, only 30% of my class approved the year as the rest of us did not have access to internet.”
(Quote from a 17 year old girl, waitress,
In the Follow-up Exploratory Research on the Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic in the Lives of Working Children and their Families we asked those affected what had changed for them compared to the first year of the pandemic. The survey portraits important results in the areas of social and physical well-being and effects on the educational situation. In addition, an insight into the everyday life of those affected is given through their personal experiences. In the process of the study, working children and caregivers identified stakeholders who can contribute to an improvement of their life situation. Additional recommendations for action are given to them.