All posts tagged: Global

International Day against Child Labour

In the framework of the International Day against Child Labour, 12th of June, Dialogue Works together with other agencies launches the child friendly version of the Durban Call to Action (the outcome document of the GLOCON 2022. The report is jointly published by Dialogue Works, Mtoto News, Save the Children South Africa, Unicef, CRNSA and the South African Department of Social Development.

Press release: Major children’s conference with UN Special Representative in Kenya

Kindernothilfe and Terre des Hommes support demands of working children Duisburg/Brussels/Geneva, 05.04.2023 – A conference of a special kind starts on Easter Monday in Nairobi/Kenya: the African Children Summit. A conference attended by around 700 children from all over Africa, initiated and led by their peers. The summit brings children and young people together with key political decision-makers to share their experiences and recommendations on how to implement their rights. Among them are the Vice-Chair of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, Phillip D. Jaffé, and the UN Special Representative on Violence against Children, Najat Maalla. The aim of the summit is to empower children and create a space where they are seen, heard and engaged.

Mission Accomplished – Global Gathering 2023

This January, Dialogue Works successfully hosted its first ever Global Gathering of working Children and Youth in Kigali, Rwanda, a conference for working children and youth representatives to exchange, to learn from one another, to build capacities and share key messages on crosscutting issues affecting the lives of working children and youths. 5 days packed with experiences – here is a sneak peak of impressions, be sure there will be many more to come!

Announcement: Global Gathering of working Children 2023

Dialogue Works is happy to announce our campaign’s first ever Global Gathering of working children in Kigali, Ruanda! We are planning an entire week of exchange, learning and action planning for the delegates of all 30 CACs in January 2023. For the first time since we started Time to Talk! in 2016, representatives of all of the 20 partner organizations from various countries around the world will come together.