
Cumbre del Clima Africana: voces de jóvenes defensores

noviembre 3, 2023

Cumbre del Clima Africana: voces de jóvenes defensores

The African Climate Summit, held in Nairobi, brought together Child Advisory Committee members of Dialogue Works like Julie, Mike, Phenylle and Diana, who are also actively engaged in addressing climate change within their communities.

The youth delegates shared their experiences and insights about climate issues, their expectations from countries responsible for climate change, and recommendations for a better approach to include working children and youth in international policy debates.

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Lanzamiento de la Declaración de Kigali

abril 17, 2023

Lanzamiento de la Declaración de Kigali

The Dialogue Works campaign is proud to launch the Kigali Declaration – the outcome document of our Global Gathering of Working Children and Youth, which took place in Kigali/ Rwanda in January 2023.This declaration summarizes the key demands of working children and has been elaborated by 63 child participants from 16 countries.

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Dialogue Works @Cumbre de Niños y Niñas Africanas

abril 11, 2023

Dialogue Works @Cumbre de Niños y Niñas Africanas

A total of 10 delegates from Zambia, Zimbabwe, Rwanda and Kenya presented the Kigali Declaration at the African Children Summit, held from 10th to 12th April 2023 in Nairobi, Kenia.

The African Children Summit was a child-led conference for strengthening the visibility of children and their rights, following the motto: seen. heard. engaged. The Summit brought together children from across Africa and beyond to share their experiences on matters of children rights and protection.

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Global Gathering

enero 26, 2023

Global Gathering

In January of 2023, Dialogue Works successfully hosted its first ever Global Gathering of working Children and Youth in Kigali, Rwanda, a conference for working children and youth representatives to exchange, to learn from one another, to build capacities and share key messages on crosscutting issues affecting the lives of working children and youths. 5 days packed with experiences – here is a sneak peak of impressions!

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V. Conferencia Mundial sobre la Erradicación del Trabajo Infantil

mayo 11, 2022

V. Conferencia Mundial sobre la Erradicación del Trabajo Infantil

Every 5 years representatives of governments, unions, employers, the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and civil society come together to review the situation of working children worldwide, the progress made to eliminate the worst forms of child labour and the methodologies and approaches that proved successful to support that end. In 2022 this “Global Conference on the Elimination of Child Labour” will be set in Durban, South Africa.

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CANNA global

enero 14, 2022

CANNA global

In January 2022 the first meeting of the Global Children’s Advisory Committee of Dialogue Works took place. 16 CAC members from 8 countries from different all parts of the world will from now on meet to advise, support and strengthen the advocacy of the campaign.

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Dialogue Works en el Foro Global de Soluciones de la FAO

noviembre 2, 2021

Dialogue Works en el Foro Global de Soluciones de la FAO

Agriculture is one of the most dangerous working sectors for children. Young people working in agriculture may face hazardous or physically heavy work. Sometimes their obligations prevent them from going to school. What can be done to improve the situation of working children in agriculture?

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Dialogue Works en la Asamblea General de la ONU

septiembre 22, 2021

Dialogue Works en la Asamblea General de la ONU

How does the COVID-19 pandemic affect the lives of children across the world? And which effects does it have on violence against children in particular? These were the main questions addressed in a High-level Side Event hosted by the Un Special Representative on Violence against Children Dr. Najat M. M’jid in the 76th UN General Assembly on 22 September 2021.

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Publicacion: Participación y resiliencia

septiembre 20, 2021

Publicacion: Participación y resiliencia

Children’s resilience, their capacity to adapt to new situations and contexts, has always been an important factor which impacted how children learned, strived and succeeded. However, during the past 18 months of a global pandemic – leading to school closures, job loss and isolation – the crucial role resilience can play in the development of a child has been emphasized even more.

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Preparados, listos, ya – ¡Porque el diálogo funciona!

julio 8, 2021

Preparados, listos, ya – ¡Porque el diálogo funciona!

Now that Time to Talk has come to an end, we are pleased to annouce what’s next! Learn all about our new project!

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C20 Summit 2020

octubre 6, 2020

C20 Summit 2020

Time to Talk! hosted a panel discussion during the virtual Civil Society Summit 2020. Four Children Advisory Comittee delegates from Kenya and Bangladesh shared their experience and suggestions in a session called “Let our voices be heard: Working children perspectives on local and global matters”.

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Publicación de la ONU: Cuando los niños toman la iniciativa

junio 19, 2020

Publicación de la ONU: Cuando los niños toman la iniciativa

Time to Talk! is part of the latest publication of the Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Violence against Children. The report “When children take the lead” contents 10 examples of participatory approaches to tackle violence.

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Publicación: Preparándose para el viaje de la participación infantil

diciembre 16, 2019

Publicación: Preparándose para el viaje de la participación infantil

Child participation in International Development Cooperation – about which importance everyone is talking but which has not taken off yet in reality.

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30. Aniversario de la Convención sobre los Derechos del Niño

noviembre 28, 2019

30. Aniversario de la Convención sobre los Derechos del Niño

On the occasion of the 30 Years anniversary of the UN-Child Rights Convention the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Delevopment invited two Time to Talk!-Delegates to speak about their lives as child workers.

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Publicación: Documento Informativo

julio 23, 2019

Publicación: Documento Informativo

The Policy Briefing Paper which is published jointly by Time to Talk and Young Lives, aims to incorporate Working Children´s Views in policy interventions.

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Aplicación de nuestro Plan de Promoción

junio 1, 2019

Aplicación de nuestro Plan de Promoción

Publicación: Conjunto de herramientas II

enero 1, 2019

Publicación: Conjunto de herramientas II

In September 2018 the preparations for the Toolkit II started. Click below to read more about Toolkit II.

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UN-CRC: Día de debate general

agosto 1, 2018

UN-CRC: Día de debate general

Participación en Global Child Forum 2018

abril 1, 2018

Participación en Global Child Forum 2018

Two youth representatives from Indonesia talked about their situation as working children at the Global Child Forum in Stockholm on 11th of April 2018.

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Publicación: Lecciones Aprendidas

febrero 2, 2018

Publicación: Lecciones Aprendidas

The Lessons Learned have been developed from February 2018 until September 2019.

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Publicación: ¡Una explicación simple!

enero 15, 2018

Publicación: ¡Una explicación simple!

The results of the IV Global Conference on the Sustained Eradication of Child Labour – not only for children!

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Publicación: El Diario de Paul

diciembre 15, 2017

Publicación: El Diario de Paul

Paul and Supermaia travel the world together to visit working children and to find out about the different lives, hopes and reasons why children work.

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IV Conferencia Mundial sobre la Erradicación Sostenida del Trabajo Infantil, Buenos Aires, 2017

noviembre 15, 2017

IV Conferencia Mundial sobre la Erradicación Sostenida del Trabajo Infantil, Buenos Aires, 2017

IV Global Conference on The Sustained Eradication of Child Labour took place in Buenos Aires  in November 2017.

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Publicación: La opinión de los niños, niñas y adolecentes sobre su trabajo

noviembre 2, 2017

Publicación: La opinión de los niños, niñas y adolecentes sobre su trabajo

The Time to Talk Report was published in November 2017.

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Inicio de las consultas

julio 1, 2016

Inicio de las consultas

Partners started the consultation of the 1,822 children in 36 countries worldwide until February 2018.

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Conjunto de herramientas I: Talleres regionales de formación

mayo 1, 2016

Conjunto de herramientas I: Talleres regionales de formación

Fundación de las CANNAs

marzo 3, 2016

Fundación de las CANNAs

To support the organisation of the consultations Children’s Advisory Committees were  formed in 17 countries and regions of the world.

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Inicio de la planificación y financiación del proyecto

marzo 1, 2015

Inicio de la planificación y financiación del proyecto

Kindernothilfe and terres des hommes started to design the Project concept of Time to Talk!.

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