
Local Advocacy Guide

Time to Talk! – Local Advocacy Guide.

The Time to Talk! local Avocacy Guide is to be used for the launch of the main findings of the Time to Talk!-Project at local and national level! After an explanation what Advocacy is for our understand, we want to give you an overview about our plans for the international launch and prepare you for your local or national launch.

This Advocacy Guide has the following objectives:

· Providing an overview of our plans for the international launch of the Time to Talk results including a list of material, that will be produced for this purpose,

· Providing a brief overview of what Advocacy means for those, that have not been involved in Advocacy Action so far,
· Sharing ideas and suggestions on how to prepare the launch of the main Time to Talk findings at local and national level,
· Identifying options for long-term local action to feed working children’s views into local and national policy debates.

We have the Local Advocacy available in different languages. Click here to read more:

Local Advocacy Guide English

Local Advocacy Guide Spanish/ Pautas para la Incidencia

Local Advovacy Guide French/ Guide de plaidoyer