
Our Children’s Delegation for the Global Child Forum 2018

Fact sheet of our Children’s Delegation for the Global Child Forum 2018

Name/ Age/ Homecountry:

  • Ruth Kesia Simatupang (17), from Medan City/ Indonesia
  • Fauza Ananda Chaniago (16), from Medan City/ Indonesia

Experience with Time to Talk:

  • Both were part of the Workshop Consultations of the Time to Talk Project and participate in several meetings of our CAC Group.

Previous commitment for children’s rights:

  • Fauza visited the ministry of women empowerment and child protection of Indonesia as a CAC representative.
  • Kesia also visited the ministry of women empowerment and child protection of Indonesia as a CAC representative. Furthermore she spoke with the deputy of Medan City Major about the problems faced by Indonesian children, which relate to birth certificate, early marriage and education fund. Another time she discussed in the Indonesian Public Radio about child labour.

Motivations/ Reasons to be part of the Global Child Forum:

  • Keisa and Fauza are both part of the group of working children. Ruth works since many years as a scavenger and Fauza works currently at a printing-factory. They want to deliver all the thoughts and hopes of working children. Their aim is to receive better working conditions for children and the fulfilling of children’s rights. Furthermore they would like to present recommendation so that children can get all needed facilities, education, youth entrepreneurship and empowerment for them and their families. For the future Keisa and Fauza want to receive good chances for working children, so they do not have to work anymore. Also they would like to present the situation of working children and the relation with business, because they think big business should consider their problems and wellbeing as well.

Main claims for their speech at the Global Child Forum:

  • Stop child labour!
  • Do responsible business that support and promote children’s rights in every level of business action and cooperation!
  • Support collaborative possibilities to joint works between Community, Government and Business Sector in promoting and fulfilling children rights!

Positive expectations to the Global Child Forum:

  • Keisa’s and Fauza’s hope to share experience, hopes and stories about child labour, getting to know about the condition of working children in other countries and how governments worldwide support children and find out what they can do to help other children in Indonesia.

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