Indonesia: COVID-19 consequences for working children
Due to the lockdown regulations in Medan, the local Children Advisory Comittee (CAC) met online to discuss challenges arising due to COVID-19 pandemic.
Due to the lockdown regulations in Medan, the local Children Advisory Comittee (CAC) met online to discuss challenges arising due to COVID-19 pandemic.
The Steering Comittee Organizations Kindernothilfe and terre des hommes are both members of Alliance 8.7. Alliance 8.7 consists of partners from around the world working together to achieve SDG Target 8.7. Partnership is open to various stakeholder groups and networks.
The Children Advisory Comittee in Peru created a theater play tfor their advocacy action to raise awareness on their needs to be happy. With the help from our partner organization CESIP and a professional theater teacher eight girls and six boys taged a play called: “Dejénnos ser felices” – “Let us be happy”.