Year: 2022

Announcement: Global Gathering of working Children 2023

Dialogue Works is happy to announce our campaign’s first ever Global Gathering of working children in Kigali, Ruanda! We are planning an entire week of exchange, learning and action planning for the delegates of all 30 CACs in January 2023. For the first time since we started Time to Talk! in 2016, representatives of all of the 20 partner organizations from various countries around the world will come together.

From Durban to Berlin

After she represented Dialogue Works at the V. Global Conference in Durban in May, CAC member Ashley visited Berlin last week. In meetings with politicians, government officials and youth representatives she shared experiences from her daily life as well as from her participation in the Global Conference.

“I want to be an entrepeneur” – Tamanna’s story

In 2021, the non-profit organisation CSID (Centre for Services and Information on Disability) from Bangladesh started to implement two Children’s Advisory Committees (CAC) in Dhaka and Barishal/ Bangladesh. Since then, 30 working children with disability are meeting regularly, learning more about various types of rights of children with disabilities, child labour, right for education, types of violence and abuse and techniques to protect oneself from this. One of them is Tamanna, approximately 18 years old.