Year: 2023

Year 2023 in review

During the last year a lot happened at the Dialogue Works Family. We created a video with visual inputs from all our partners to let you know what is going on in the other countries. We hope you enjoy watching!

Day for the dignity of working children in Potosi, Bolivia

The working children associated with our partner-organisation, PASOCAP, recently celebrated a great achievement. After more than 10 years of hard work, a milestone in the recognition of dignified work was reached. On the 8th of December, the municipality of Potosi approved and handed over the Municipal Law N° 419, which commemorates the day for the dignity of the working children in the city. Moreover, the law regulates the provision of funds for the work on protection and prevention issues related to working children.

General Comment No. 26 on children’s environmental rights

By now it is official: children do have a right to a healthy environment, and the United Nations must take measures to guarantee this right worldwide. This marks one of the largest child participation processes in the history of the United Nations, involving 12 “Child Advisors” for the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, along with contributions, comments and feedback from 16,331 children from 121 countries.

African Climate Summit: voices of youth advocates

The African Climate Summit, held in Nairobi, brought together Child Advisory Committee members of Dialogue Works like Julie, Mike, Phenylle and Diana, who are also actively engaged in addressing climate change within their communities. These youth delegates, representing the organization Welfare of Children and Youth Kenya, shared their experiences and insights about climate issues, their expectations from countries responsible for climate change, and recommendations for a better approach to include working children and youth in international policy debates.

Empowering voices for gender equality at the Women Deliver Conference

The Women Deliver Conference, a global platform dedicated to gender equality and the promotion of health, rights and well-being of girls and women, took place for the first time this year in an African country, Rwanda. During this special milestone, Elisabeth (16 years old) and Prisca (15 years old), two members of our Children Advisory Committee (CAC) from Dialogue Works partner organization Children’s Voice Today (CVT), made their mark on the conference by making their voices heard.