
Looking back at 4 years It’s Time to Talk!

Four years have passed since Time to Talk started in 2016 – and what a long way we have come! What started in 2016 as a bold idea of a global consultation of working children has become so much more than that.

In 2017, the results of the global consultation were presented at a side event at the Global Conference on the sustained Eradication of Child Labour in Argentina. In 2018, two representatives of the Indonesian CAC delivered a speech at the Global Child Forum in Stockholm. In 2019, we took the next step – from consultative to collaborative: CACs worldwide developed advocacy actions, addressed decision-makers and organized events.

More than that, representatives of CACs from Peru and the Philippines participated in the celebration of the 30 year anniversary of the CRC in Berlin.

In 2020, representatives of CACs from Bangladesh and Kenya spoke at the virtual C20 summit.

Together we have achieved so much for the participation of working children in local, national and global debates. And while we can be proud of what we have achieved so far, there is so much more to learn, so many challenges to tackle.

Both an internal and an external reflection process helped us to figure out the lessons learned and the challenges ahead.

Working children working for their rights! – Reflections on Child Participation – short summary

We have comprised the most important take aways in a short publication entitled “Working children working for their rights! – Reflections on Child Participation”. You can read it in English , German or Spanish

Full evaluation reports – internal and external

If you are more interested in the details, you can find the internal lessons learned report here and the external evaluation report here.


What remains is for us to wholeheartedly thank everyone who contributed to Time to Talk during the past four years, most importantly:

All members of Children’s Advisory Committees worldwide

Our partner organizations

Our team of consultants: Claire O’Kane, Ornella Barros, Nicolas Meslaoui

And everyone who followed our journey and supported each step of the way.

And what’s next? Keep an eye out for our next announcement. The road to meaningful participation of working children is still long and we plan to go all the way.