Dialogue Works is happy to announce our campaign’s first ever Global Gathering of working children in Kigali, Ruanda! We are planning an entire week of exchange, learning and action planning for the delegates of all 30 CACs in January 2023. For the first time since we started Time to Talk! in 2016, representatives of all of the 20 partner organizations from various countries around the world will come together.
Our agenda entails exchange between the participants of the different countries, learning from each other and getting to know each other, as well as getting to know Ruanda, our beautiful host country. We also want this week to be an opportunity for each of our members to express themselves through creative outlets.
And, most of all perhaps, to discuss how working children and youth can advocate for their inclusion in political processes in the future.
Our goal is to strengthen the community between the partners, and thereby further promote global advocacy for working children’s rights.
We are looking forward to our 2023 Global Gathering!