
Joining Forces Report: Talking to Working Children

Time to Talk! is highlighted as a case example in a report published by the alliance Joining Forces on the 30 year anniversary of the UN CRC in 2019.

Joining Forces, an alliance of six international NGOs, recently published a report “Child Rights Now!” which focuses on the children which have been left behind – even if on average the living conditions of children changed significantly to the better. Background of this report is the 30 year anniversary of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child in 2019. Also, the Sustainable Development Goals, which have been agreed by all governments, can not be reached without realising the rights of all children. “The report calls on states to fulfil their commitments with renewed vigour, urgency and imagination, so all chlidren can grow up healthy, educated, safe, from violence and free to make choices over their lives”, says the report.

Time to Talk! as a case example

Time to Talk! is highlighted as a case example for actively including children in the dialogue of effective policies, because they often have been and still are often exluded from efforts to tackle child labour. Under the frame “Talking to Working Children” the report sums up the policy recommendations of the Time to Talk! consultations with more than 1800 working children in 36 countries:

  • reduce family poverty and give parents access to decent work
  • ensure free, quality education for every child and non-discriminatory access to other basic services (including birth registration)
  • protect children from hazardous and harmful work and enforce regulations
  • improve working conditions and support safe dignified work, where children are in work
  • support vocational training that is inclusive of children with disabilities
  • prevent and respond to the types of violence affecting girls and boys differently, in families, schools, workplaces and public spaces
  • listen to working children and routinely involve them in policy devolpment and implementation

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Have a look at the full report: Child Rights Now!, by Joining Forces 2019 and also the Time to Talk! Main Report from 2017: Time to Talk! – Children’s Views on Children’s Work