
Time To Talk
Time To Talk Cpnsultation
Jesi - sie wäscht den gesammelten Müll - CAC PKPA 2019
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  • Job Opening: Global Coordinator (50-100%)
    We are hiring one to two Global Coordinator(s) for the Dialogue Works campaign. This part- or full-time position, from January to June 2025 (with a possibility of extension), will support the transition to the next phase of the project, focused on realizing the right to be heard and participation of children in vulnerable situations by engaging them in permanent local participatory structures in Zambia, Peru and India; these will in a second step be scaled up to national, regional and global levels. Key responsibilities include finalizing the current project, coordinating with partner organizations, and preparing for the new “Global Network on Child Participation” (2025-2029). Applicants should have experience in network building, children’s rights, and participatory approaches. Apply by October 15th, 2024. Interviews will be held in October. For more details, please refer to the full job description.
  • Improve the future of children’s participation in global events
    en français We are excited to launch a survey aimed at gathering insights from children about their involvement in global events. Whether you’ve attended a World Conference, Summit, or Ministerial Conference, or simply want to share your thoughts, we would like to hear from you! Global events bring together decision-makers from around the world to discuss crucial issues like education, climate change, and health. It is important that children are part of these discussions. This survey seeks to understand your experiences and ideas on how to make these events more child-friendly, inclusive, and impactful. Your feedback will help create guidelines for meaningful children’s participation in global events. These guidelines will be finalized in a virtual meeting in January 2025, with input from both adults and children. If you’re between 8 and 24 years old and have participated in or have an interest in global events, we invite you to take part in this survey. Your voice can improve the future of children’s participation in global events! Please click here for the English, Spanish and French …
  • Asian Regional Children’s Advisory Committee Meeting kicks off in Kathmandu
    From July 8th to July 11th, 2024, the Asian Regional Children’s Advisory Committee (CAC) Meeting was held in Kathmandu, Nepal. The purpose of the meeting was for working children across the Asian region to share their experiences and collaborate on a Regional Advocacy Plan. The meeting has seen a diverse group of CAC members from the Philippines, Bangladesh, India, and Nepal coming together to connect, play and learn from each other. One of the highlights of the event was a traditional Nepali dance performance that welcomed the attendees. Participants also engaged in a role play focused on child protection, an interactive way to address crucial issues. The picture above showcases an engaging aspect of the meeting, a game designed to teach participants about child protection laws in a fun and dynamic manner. Additionally, the group enjoyed singing Indian songs together, which helped to strengthen bonds among the members. The meeting’s agenda also included several creative activities: – Participants created a comic to showcase the experiences of working children. – They shared and learned about each …
  • Recommendations from children working in WFCL
    We are excited to announce the publication of the “Child-Friendly Recommendations from the Exchange between Working Children and UN Child Rights Experts.” This report is a result of workshops held in Nepal and Bangladesh from December 2023 to January 2024, involving 46 children working in Worst Forms of Child Labour (WFCL). Supported by Dialogue Works and CLARISSA, these workshops provided a platform for children engaged in some of the WFCL to share their experiences and develop recommendations. The full report is available on our website and highlights the voices and perspectives of working children, aiming to foster a safer, more supportive environment for children worldwide. Key highlights from the report include: The full report is available here and highlights the voices and perspectives of children working in WFCL, aiming to promote a safer, more supportive environment for children worldwide.
  • Harare children’s Call to Action
    We are thrilled to introduce the Harare children’s Call to Action, a powerful initiative launched by the African Regional Child Advisory Committee, a group of eighteen children from Africa and the Middle East. They came together in Harare, Zimbabwe, to discuss the issues affecting working children in their region. Through constructive discussions, they identified poverty and climate change as the top priorities needing urgent attention from their regional body, the African Union. The Call to Action is not just words on paper; it’s a commitment to making real change. The African Regional Child Advisory Committee urges leaders to listen, respond, and act urgently.
  • Children’s rights experts exchanges directly with CAC members
    Recently, Dialogue Works’ Child Advisory Committee (CAC) members from Bangladesh and Nepal attended a virtual meeting with children’s rights experts to talk about their experienes as working children in the Worst Forms of Child Labour (WFCL). Examples of those forms of child labour are the leather sector and the Adult Entertainment Sector (AES). The meeting between working children and children’s rights experts builds on conclusions from prior discussions, which recognised the need to consider how children’s experiences of the WFCL impact relevant policy. The meeting was a unique opportunity to hear children working in WFCL as experts by experience to gain a deeper understanding of working children’s experiences and assist in strengthening the childen’s rights experts responses and recommendations on child labour. Watch the video below to hear what our CAC members have shared in the meeting.
  • Regional Children’s Advisory Committee Meeting Held to Strengthen African Advocacy
    Representatives from the Children’s Advisory Committees (CAC) of Zambia, Rwanda, Kenya, Lebanon, and Zimbabwe met in Harare, Zimbabwe from April, 20th to April 23rd, 2024, for the African Regional CAC Meeting. This gathering was organized to foster collaboration; it served as a platform for children and youth across these countries to exchange their realities, share experiences, and brainstorm new strategies. Throughout the discussions, participants highlighted the diverse challenges faced by working children in their respective regions, offering insights into the unique circumstances each country faces. The meeting provided an opportunity for these young advocates to learn from one another, strengthening their collective resolve to address child labor and other issues that are most relevant to them, such as climate change. In addition to sharing personal experiences, the representatives engaged in advocacy planning sessions aimed at creating strategies that can be implemented across borders. This regional collaboration underscores the importance of a unified approach in tackling the complex issues surrounding child labor and child rights. The meeting concluded with a commitment to continue working together in …
  • Global Workshop in Istanbul
    Children’s Advisory Committee coordinators from 7 countries came together in Istanbul for a week to share their experiences during a workshop and reflect on how to continue the great work we have done so far. The main topics of the discussions were, for example: – Embedding participation. and children’s committees: What opportunities are there to sustainably integrate children’s participation into internal and external structures and processes?– Social accountability: How can we make decision-makers or other service providers more accountable so that they implement the commitments they have made?– Global network planning: Building bridges around the world! How can we continue our work as a network beyond the project duration after 2024 and continue to work towards common goals? We had the support of child rights advisors Claire O’Kane and Ornella Barros. Due to travel restrictions, the other Dialogue Works colleagues took part in the workshop hybrid – which was also a new and interesting challenge for us. Overall, the global exchange was enriching and helpful for the future work of Dialogue Works and beyond.
  • Peru hosts the Latin American Regional Children’s Advisory Committee Meeting
    From February 29th to March 4th, 2024, the Latin American Regional Children’s Advisory Committee (CAC) Meeting was held in Lima, Peru. This event was the result of months of preparation, with CAC members meeting virtually to develop the program and agenda. Representatives from Peru, Guatemala and Bolivia collaborated in advance, ensuring a meaningful gathering. The meeting began with an introduction to the Dialogue Works program, where CAC members presented their initiatives from each community. This was followed by an analysis of the realities of children’s rights in each country, focusing on key issues such as education, health, and child labor. The participants worked together to identify progress and challenges in these areas, creating a platform for sharing strategies and solutions. One of the key activities was a media and advocacy workshop, where a child rights journalist provided insights on effective communication strategies. CAC members engaged in role-playing exercises and created a video to practice delivering impactful messages. The meeting also included discussions on future collaboration, where CAC members brainstormed and planned joint activities for 2024. …
  • Year 2023 in review
    During the last year a lot happened at the Dialogue Works Family. We created a video with visual inputs from all our partners to let you know what is going on in the other countries. We hope you enjoy watching!
  • Nepal: Successful session on exploitative labour and human rights with stakeholders
    On the 4th of September, CWISH, our partner organisation Nepal, organised an interesting session on the topics of child labour, forced labour and human trafficking in Nepal. The session included participants from politics, civil society and children from our Children Advisory’s Committees (CACs).
  • Day for the dignity of working children in Potosi, Bolivia
    The working children associated with our partner-organisation, PASOCAP, recently celebrated a great achievement. After more than 10 years of hard work, a milestone in the recognition of dignified work was reached. On the 8th of December, the municipality of Potosi approved and handed over the Municipal Law N° 419, which commemorates the day for the dignity of the working children in the city. Moreover, the law regulates the provision of funds for the work on protection and prevention issues related to working children.
  • Revitalizing the Universal Commitment to All Children’s Rights
    On December 12, 2023, as part of the 75th anniversary celebrations of the Universal Declaration of Human rights, the Palais des Nations in Geneva hosted a hybrid event titled “UDHR75: Revitalizing the Universal Commitment to All Children’s Rights with and for Children.” Organized by Plan International, Save the Children, SOS Children’s Villages International, Terre des Hommes International Federation, World Vision International, and the Child Rights Connect Working Group on Child Participation, the event featured co-sponsorship from the European Union, the Permanent Missions of Uruguay, Bulgaria, and Malawi. Since the adoption of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) in 1989, there has been a global push to integrate children’s rights comprehensively across all policy areas. However, challenges remain, including a general resistance against child rights and children’s agency, which threatens to weaken the progress. This side-event has offered a intergenerational dialogue involving states, the UN, civil society, and children themselves. The discussion focused on sharing good practices for mainstreaming child rights and enhancing children’s participation in policy agendas. Participants explored key opportunities …
  • General Comment No. 26 on children’s environmental rights
    By now it is official: children do have a right to a healthy environment, and the United Nations must take measures to guarantee this right worldwide. This marks one of the largest child participation processes in the history of the United Nations, involving 12 “Child Advisors” for the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, along with contributions, comments and feedback from 16,331 children from 121 countries.
  • Media Youth Group of Dialogue Works kicks off
    We are thrilled to announce the launch of our Media Youth Group, an initiative to empower working children through media. This new group will play a crucial role in amplifying their voices through the social media channels of Dialogue Works. The Media Youth Group aims to use the power of social media to advocate for the rights of working children. The initiative includes a diverse team of children from Latin America, Africa and Asia, ensuring a wide range of perspectives and experiences. These young media advocates will be actively involved in creating and sharing content that highlights their stories and the challenges they face. In its first phase, the Media Youth Group will participate in intensive media training, focusing on communication skills, digital safety, and advocacy techniques. This training will equip them with the tools needed to effectively engage with social media, produce compelling content, and contribute to meaningful conversations about child labor. The group will also guide our media strategies, helping to shape campaigns and outreach efforts. By representing their peers and sharing their …
  • African Climate Summit: voices of youth advocates
    The African Climate Summit, held in Nairobi, brought together Child Advisory Committee members of Dialogue Works like Julie, Mike, Phenylle and Diana, who are also actively engaged in addressing climate change within their communities. These youth delegates, representing the organization Welfare of Children and Youth Kenya, shared their experiences and insights about climate issues, their expectations from countries responsible for climate change, and recommendations for a better approach to include working children and youth in international policy debates.
  • Empowering voices for gender equality at the Women Deliver Conference
    The Women Deliver Conference, a global platform dedicated to gender equality and the promotion of health, rights and well-being of girls and women, took place for the first time this year in an African country, Rwanda. During this special milestone, Elisabeth (16 years old) and Prisca (15 years old), two members of our Children Advisory Committee (CAC) from Dialogue Works partner organization Children’s Voice Today (CVT), made their mark on the conference by making their voices heard.
  • International Day against Child Labour
    In the framework of the International Day against Child Labour, 12th of June, Dialogue Works together with other agencies launches the child friendly version of the Durban Call to Action (the outcome document of the GLOCON 2022. The report is jointly published by Dialogue Works, Mtoto News, Save the Children South Africa, Unicef, CRNSA and the South African Department of Social Development.
  • 12th of June: Why participation matters
    This year, in the framework of the International Day against Child Labour – 12th of June, CAC members from India, Zambia and Peru share with you why children’s participation is so important and what has changed since they are part of their local CAC.
  • Dialogue Works @AfricanChildrenSummit
    A total of 10 delegates from Zambia, Zimbabwe, Rwanda and Kenya presented the Kigali Declaration at the African Children Summit, held from 10th to 12th April 2023 in Nairobi, Kenia.
  • Launch of the Kigali Declaration
    The Dialogue Works campaign is proud to launch the Kigali Declaration – the outcome document of our Global Gathering of Working Children and Youth, which took place in Kigali/ Rwanda in January 2023.This declaration summarizes the key demands of working children and has been elaborated by 63 child participants from 16 countries.
  • Press release: Major children’s conference with UN Special Representative in Kenya
    Kindernothilfe and Terre des Hommes support demands of working children Duisburg/Brussels/Geneva, 05.04.2023 – A conference of a special kind starts on Easter Monday in Nairobi/Kenya: the African Children Summit. A conference attended by around 700 children from all over Africa, initiated and led by their peers. The summit brings children and young people together with key political decision-makers to share their experiences and recommendations on how to implement their rights. Among them are the Vice-Chair of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, Phillip D. Jaffé, and the UN Special Representative on Violence against Children, Najat Maalla. The aim of the summit is to empower children and create a space where they are seen, heard and engaged.
  • Interview: Looniva, Global Gathering Delegate from Nepal
    Looniva, where are you from? I am from Lalitpur, Nepal. How is your living situation? My living situation has been quite average right now since my sister started working. I live with my uncle and my aunt as well as my sister. My sister works in a college. Our parents live in a rented home alone.
  • Mission Accomplished – Global Gathering 2023
    This January, Dialogue Works successfully hosted its first ever Global Gathering of working Children and Youth in Kigali, Rwanda, a conference for working children and youth representatives to exchange, to learn from one another, to build capacities and share key messages on crosscutting issues affecting the lives of working children and youths. 5 days packed with experiences – here is a sneak peak of impressions, be sure there will be many more to come!
  • Announcement: Global Gathering of working Children 2023
    Dialogue Works is happy to announce our campaign’s first ever Global Gathering of working children in Kigali, Ruanda! We are planning an entire week of exchange, learning and action planning for the delegates of all 30 CACs in January 2023. For the first time since we started Time to Talk! in 2016, representatives of all of the 20 partner organizations from various countries around the world will come together.
  • From Durban to Berlin
    After she represented Dialogue Works at the V. Global Conference in Durban in May, CAC member Ashley visited Berlin last week. In meetings with politicians, government officials and youth representatives she shared experiences from her daily life as well as from her participation in the Global Conference.
  • Durban 2022 – Review
    A few weeks after participating in the V. Global Conference for the Elimination of Child Labour in Durban, South Africa, our delegates have looked back on the experience.
  • “I want to be an entrepeneur” – Tamanna’s story
    In 2021, the non-profit organisation CSID (Centre for Services and Information on Disability) from Bangladesh started to implement two Children’s Advisory Committees (CAC) in Dhaka and Barishal/ Bangladesh. Since then, 30 working children with disability are meeting regularly, learning more about various types of rights of children with disabilities, child labour, right for education, types of violence and abuse and techniques to protect oneself from this. One of them is Tamanna, approximately 18 years old.
  • “We need scholarships for children to start, continue or finish their formal education!”
    Ashley (15) participated in the Children´s Forum during the V Global Conference on Elimination of Child Labour and hold a powerful speech about her experiences, including messages to political stakeholders worldwide. Read her full statement.
  • “Providing education is the basis of everything. But we talk about quality education.”
    Kabwe (18) participated in the Children´s Forum during the V Global Conference on Elimination of Child Labour and hold a powerful speech about his experiences, including messages to political stakeholders worldwide. Read his full statement.
  • Dialogue Works goes Durban
    In May 2022, South Africa hostet the V. Global Conference for the Elimination of Child Labour – a first on the agenda: a forum dedicated to children’s participation on Thursday, May 19th. Five representatives of the Dialogue Works Global CAC were invited to be a part of this children’s forum and travelled to Durban on short notice to speak up for working children.
  • V. Global Conference on the Elimination of Child Labour
    Every 5 years representatives of governments, unions, employers, the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and civil society come together to review the situation of working children worldwide, the progress made to eliminate the worst forms of child labour and the methodologies and approaches that proved successful to support that end. In 2022 this “Global Conference on the Elimination of Child Labour” will be set in Durban, South Africa.
  • Introducing the Global CAC
    In January 2022 the first meeting of the Global Children’s Advisory Committee of Dialogue Works took place. 16 CAC members from 8 countries from different all parts of the world will from now on meet to advise, support and strengthen the advocacy of the campaign.
  • Kenya: Call for equal participation
    In a CAC meeting working children from Kenya discussed how they were not allowed to participate in their community’s Barazas.
  • Annual Report 2021
    Despite all difficulties caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, Dialogue Works and its partner organisation have implemented a variety of activities with and for working children. Find all the details in our annual report.
  • Joint Call for Participation
    Joint Call for equal, inclusive and transparent children´s participation at the V Global Conference on Child Labour, 15th-20th May 2022, Durban/South Africa This public statement comes from working children’s representatives, including 14 movements of working children, more than 150 NGOs and more than 100 researchers dedicated to support working children. It addresses the organisers of the upcoming V Global Conference on Child Labour, particularly the South African Government and the ILO.
  • Advocacy in Action: Peru
    One primary goal of our campaign is to empower working children and to encourage them to advocate on their own behalf. We will regularly present examples of such advocacy on this website – today one from our partner organisation Ifejant from Peru.
  • Advocacy in Action: India
    One primary goal of our campaign is to empower working children and to encourage them to advocate on their own behalf. We will regularly present examples of such advocacy on this website – today one from our partner organisation Vigyan in India.
  • Advocacy in Action: Rwanda
    One primary goal of our campaign is to empower working children and to encourage them to advocate on their own behalf. One excellent example of such an advocacy action is presented by the Children’s Advisory Committee (CAC) from our partner Children’s Voice Today in Rwanda.
  • “Now there are no jobs because a lot of stores and factories closed due to the pandemic.”
    Follow-up Exploratory Research on the Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic in the Lives of Working Children and their Families
  • Dialogue Works at the FAO Global Solutions Forum
    Agriculture is one of the most dangerous working sectors for children. Young people working in agriculture may face hazardous or physically heavy work. Sometimes their obligations prevent them from going to school. What can be done to improve the situation of working children in agriculture?
  • CAC Diary from Rwanda
    Our partner organisation Children’s Voice Today from Rwanda has documented one of their CAC meetings and the learnings gained in the process in this amazing video. It illustrates how clearly working children can state what work is acceptable or even positive to them, and what they do not want to do. When working children’s views are taken into account, it contributes to their protection and well-being.
  • Participation & Resilience
    Children’s resilience, their capacity to adapt to new situations and contexts, has always been an important factor which impacted how children learned, strived and succeeded. However, during the past 18 months of a global pandemic – leading to school closures, job loss and isolation – the crucial role resilience can play in the development of a child has been emphasized even more.
  • Dialogue Works at the UN General Assembly
    How does the COVID-19 pandemic affect the lives of children across the world? And which effects does it have on violence against children in particular? These were the main questions addressed in a High-level Side Event hosted by the Un Special Representative on Violence against Children Dr. Najat M. M’jid in the 76th UN General Assembly on 22 September 2021.
  • Ready, Set, Go! – Because Dialogue Works
    Now that Time to Talk has come to an end, we are pleased to annouce what’s next! Learn all about our new project!
  • Global Study: Effects of COVID-19 on Working Children
    The global COVID-19 pandemic has affected the lives of working children and their families enormously . This shows the results from a participatory research in six countries done by Kindernothilfe.
  • Looking back at 4 years It’s Time to Talk!
    Four years have passed since Time to Talk started in 2016 – and what a long way we have come! What started in 2016 as a bold idea of a global consultation of working children has become so much more than that.
  • Gender Differences in Children’s Work
    In the past four years, we have learned one lesson over and over again: Children’s work is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon. Its impacts and consequences differ according to the type of work children do,
  • C20: messages to governments & civil society
    C20 panel discusion: “Let Our Voices Be Heard: Working Children’s Perspective on Local and Global Matters” 
  • Time to Talk! at the Civil Society Summit 2020
    Time to Talk! will host a panel discussion during the virtual Civil Society Summit 2020. Four Children Advisory Comittee delegates from Kenya and Bangladesh will share there experience and suggestions in a session called “Let our voices be heard: Working children perspectives on local and global matters”.
  • Lebanon: “Working children are still children”
    The messages of the Children Advisory Comittee members at AMURT Lebanon are spread all over Chouf district in Lebanon on billboards.
  • “We have very limited choices of what food to eat because of Covid.”
    Key highlights from exploratory research on the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the lives of Working Children and their Families
  • When children take the lead
    Time to Talk! is part of the latest publication of the Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Violence against Children. The report “When children take the lead” contents 10 examples of participatory approaches to tackle violence.
  • World Day against Child Labour 2020
    Today is just one day – however, child labour has countless different faces. And you have to talk to each and every one of them to design sustainable and effective policy interventions that contribute to the sustainable eradication of child labour.
  • Indonesia: COVID-19 consequences for working children
    Due to the lockdown regulations in Medan, the local Children Advisory Comittee (CAC) met online to discuss challenges arising due to COVID-19 pandemic.
  • SDG 8.7: Kindernothilfe and terre des hommes partner with Alliance 8.7
    The Steering Comittee Organizations Kindernothilfe and terre des hommes are both members of Alliance 8.7. Alliance 8.7 consists of partners from around the world working together to achieve SDG Target 8.7. Partnership is open to various stakeholder groups and networks.
  • Peru: “Let us be happy”
    The Children Advisory Comittee in Peru created a theater play tfor their advocacy action to raise awareness on their needs to be happy. With the help from our partner organization CESIP and a professional theater teacher eight girls and six boys taged a play called: “Dejénnos ser felices” – “Let us be happy”.
  • Ethiopia: Thinking of children is the first step of thinking of development
    Advocacy Action of the Children Advisory Committee (CAC) in Tachabi Kebele (Sinan district) Situation analysis with the “problem tree” For the children in Tachabi Kebele, Child Labour was the most prioritized issue affecting them. In their points of view, the problem is caused by parents who consider children as a source of income.
  • Bolivia: Carnival March against Violence
    Children at Carnival: “Without abuse we have a better life!” In Bolivia the Children Advisory Committee Members joint the local Carnival Festival and spread their messages about ending violence against children.
  • Nepal: Children Workshops on Child Labour
    On behalf of the Child Labour Orientation Day on the 30th of July 2019, the Children Advisory Commitee(CAC) CWISH carried out advocacy workshops in various schools. 
  • Philippines: Time to Talk! live on the radio
    On the World Day against Child Labour three members of the same group  were invited to vitsit the radio station. Justine Regasa, Vea delos Santos and Justine delos Santos shared their struggles as child laborers.
  • Kenya – Walk against Child Labour
    Children Advisory Committee members in Kenya organised a march against Child Labour. They invited important stakeholders to share their messages.
  • Peru: A Call for Love, Respect and Protection
    Awareness raising meetings with parents and professors
  • Zambia: “If We Work Together We Can Build A Better Future”
    Our Partner Organization JCM performed their theme song “If We Work Together We Can Build A Better Future” to parents and politicians
  • Getting ready for the journey of child participation
    Child participation in International Development Cooperation – about which importance everyone is talking about but which has not taken of yet in reality. With this booklet we want to strenghten the idea and implementation of ethical child participation in projects, campaigns or advocacy of NGO.
  • “We need quality skill based and relevant education!”
    “Let our voices be heard” – Proposals of working children and youth
  • T2T Delegates gave Speech about working children
    Katherina from Peru and Jed from the Philippines gave  an emotional, convincing and inspiring speech about children´s work at the 30 Years anniversary celebrations by the German Ministry for Economic Development and Cooperation on 28th November 2019.
  • Study: German Government must fight child labor more decisively
    Germany can and must do more to combat exploitative child labour worldwide. In particular, there is a need for legal regulation of the human rights due diligence obligations of German companies.
  • Berlin: “Listen to our Voices and respect our rights!”
    On the occasion of the 30 Years anniversary of the UN-Child Rights Convention the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Delevopment invited two Time to Talk!-Delegates to speak about their lives as child workers.
  • Kenya: Celebration of the International Youth Day
      Our Partner Organisation WCY (Welfare for Children and Youth) celebrated the International Youth Day
  • Policy Briefing Paper
    The Policy Briefing Paper which is published jointly by Time to Talk and Young Lives, aims to incorporate Working Children´s Views in policy interventions: Download here.
  • Diversity of children’s working realities
    Children’s working realities are very diverse and it is crucial to approach children in a wider socio-ecological framework. 
  • How to measure the quality of children’s participation
    With the Lessons Learned Report, we evaluated the whole Time to Talk! project and process – and also the quality of children’s participation.
  • Joining Forces Report: Talking to Working Children
    Time to Talk! is highlighted as a case example in a report published by the alliance Joining Forces on the 30 year anniversary of the UN CRC in 2019.
  • India: A ride for child rights
    Our partner in India “PARA – People’s Action for Rural Awakening” organized a Bike rally to raise awareness for the support of working children.
  • Kenya: “Children shouldn’t work in fields, but on dreams!”
    Our partner organization in Kenya “Action for children in crisis (AfCiC )” celebrated the World Day Against Child Labour on 12th of June 2019! 
  • World Day against Child Labour in Iraq
    In order to raise awareness for the World Day against Child Labour ThD Italy organized five events at Debaga Camp in Iraq to inform about child labour and its consequences in a playful but informative way.
  • New Publication: Lessons Learned and validation process
    It´s Time to Talk – Children´s Views on Children´s Views: Lessons Learned.
  • Indonesia: “It’s time to talk about ending Child labour!”
    A Banner for commitment Our Time to Talk! partner PKPA in Indonesia shared great pictures of CAC members designing a banner.  It was created by a group of 30 children, who all drew  a poster that was later transfered onto the banner.
  • Regional Workshops in Nepal, Zambia, Peru and Kosovo
    To start the second phase of the Time to Talk! project four regional workshops took place in Nepal, Zambia, Peru and Kosovo. All 25 partners of the Time to Talk! 2019 came together and tried out the new Toolkit II.
  • Time to Talk! goes into a Second Project Phase
    Time flies and initially the Time to Talk! project was planned to end 2018 with the publication of our (upcoming) Validation & Lessons Learned Report.Through our participatory feedback mechanisms the Time to Talk! consultants were able to capture the advances, challenges and problem we faced during the last two years of Time to Talk!
  • Nepal: “Listen to our voices!”
    CAC-Members in Nepal share their messages with goverment officials
  • Video Statement of Time to Talk!-representatives Kesia & Fauza
    Feedback-Video of Time to Talk!-representatives about the Global Child Forum 2018
  • The results of the #CLCONF “Simply Explained”
    “Simply Explained” – the results of the Global Conference on the Sustained Eradication of Child Labour explained child-friendly
  • Video from the Global Child Forum
    Impressions from the Global Child Forum 2018 “Isn’t it logical that we include children in what we decide today? They have to live with the consequences.” H.R.H. Princess Laurentien of the Netherlands demanded the inclusion of children in all matters affecting them.
  • CAC Questions at Global Child Forum
    Questions posed by youth representatives to businesses attending the Global Child Forum
  • Global Child Forum: Press release
    Visit of the Time to Talk!-Team and our children’s delegates at the GCF 2018
  • Global Child Forum: Speech of working children
    “It’s Time to Talk! – The engagement of all people to improve the lives of working children”
  • Our Children’s Delegation for the Global Child Forum 2018
    Fact sheet of our Children’s Delegation for the Global Child Forum 2018
  • Time to Talk! at the Global Child Forum 2018
    Time to Talk!-Team and a children delegation at the Global Child Forum 2018
  • Children’s Likes/Dislikes About Their Work
      Children Describe the Two Sides of Working
  • What kind of work do children do?
    Children Describe Their Work: The “It’s Time to Talk! – Children’s Views on Children’s Work” campaign asked over 1,800 children in consultations in 36 countries what their day looks like.
  • What Can Others Do For Working Children?
    Working Children Call for Action by Different Groups of People.
  • Time to Talk! at the #CLCONF 2017
    Time to Talk! at the Global Conference on the Sustained Eradication of Child Labour 2017
  • Time to Talk! Report online
    Find here the Time to Talk! Report in all language versions
  • Press Release: Working children call for their rights
    (Buenos Aires / Duisburg / Osnabrück, 14.11.2017) Children from 36 countries around the world raise their voice against exploitation and urgently ask for policies ensuring their rights. They took part in the campaign “It’s Time to Talk! – Children’s Views on Children’s Work” run by the children’s rights organizations Kindernothilfe and the International Federation of Terre des Hommes and presented the results at the IV Global Conference on Child Labour in Argentina today.
  • Time to Talk! Research Toolkits
    The Time to Talk! Research toolkit was developed to provide the implementing civil society organisations with a practical guide to the participatory research. It was used for capacity building and allowed the research to be primarily qualitative and exploratory.
  • Side Event Invitation
    IV Global Conference on the Sustained Eradication of Child Labour – Time to Talk! Side Event
  • Local Advocacy Guide
    Time to Talk! – Local Advocacy Guide. The Time to Talk! local Avocacy Guide is to be used for the launch of the main findings of the Time to Talk!-Project at local and national level!
  • World Children´s Day 2017: Give Children a Voice
    Participants of a consultation in Tanzania drawing a Body Map. This research method of the Time to Talk toolkit is for sharing likes and dislikes about the child´s work. Time to Talk welcomes the choice of this year´s world children´s day theme “Give children a voice” and the demand for supporting particpation of children within political and social debates